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How to choose a good quality porcelain tile cutting machine and what are the skills?
time : 2021-10-06 10:39 views : 140

   Porcelain tile cutting machine is currently used in porcelain tile and ceramic processing industries. If you want to buy a porcelain tile cutting machine, many suppliers will flock to it, and the prices will vary. They are all touting how good their products are, and customers will be dazzled when they watch too much and don’t know how to choose.


   In fact, if you want to choose a good quality porcelain tile cutting machine, it is mainly reflected in the cutting accuracy, cutting efficiency, maintenance cost of the equipment and the service life of the equipment. Let's introduce it in detail below.

 2400 mm porcelain tile cutting machine

   1. Cutting accuracy: The cutting accuracy of a porcelain tile cutting machine is the basis for choosing a high-quality porcelain tile cutting machine. The cutting accuracy of the porcelain tile cutting machine refers to the contour accuracy of the workpiece being cut, not the static accuracy marked on the sample.


   2. Cutting efficiency: Cutting efficiency is a favorable index for evaluating porcelain tile cutting machines. Cutting efficiency refers to the time to cut the sheet, not just a parameter of cutting speed. Generally speaking, the higher the cutting efficiency of the porcelain tile cutting machine, the higher the processing cost and the lower the operating cost. You need to pay attention to the selection of the porcelain tile cutting machine.


  3. Maintenance cost: At present, the maintenance cost of the porcelain cutting machine mainly comes from the maintenance cost of the accessories, but the maintenance and use costs of various accessories are different.

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      4. Service life: Service life is a standard to measure whether a porcelain tile cutting machine is of high quality. Generally speaking, the longer the use time of the porcelain tile cutting machine is, the lower the depreciation cost of the porcelain tile cutting machine is, and the main reason for determining the use time of the machine is factor.


      Hongyun Ceramic Machinery Co., Ltd. was established in 2008. It has 14 years of experience in the production of porcelain tile processing equipment and has accumulated countless experience in core technologies. The technology is mature and stable. The team has more than 30 technical employees. The equipment is stable and reliable. It has no big and small heads, no edges, no corners, etc., and the maintenance is quite simple. Welcome to visit the factory for consultation.

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