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How much is a rock slab waterjet cutting machine?
time : 2021-06-17 11:38 views : 30

  With the wide application of high-pressure waterjet technology, people's requirements for the use of waterjet cutting machines are gradually increasing. AC rock slab five-axis waterjet is to achieve flat and 3D cutting of objects on the three-axis waterjet cutting machine platform, and guarantee one time Processing can meet the design requirements. Easily solve arc plate cutting, cylindrical cutting, conical cutting, spiral blade cutting, etc. The cutting head of AC rock slab five-axis waterjet can cut arbitrary curves and angles under effective values. The curve angle changes are controlled by the computer,computer control to make the curve angle change more smoothly.


  How much is the Hongyun rock slab waterjet cutting machine:

  Hongyun HS-4020AC five-axis water jet is quoted at 275,000 yuan in the external market. In addition to the 4020 model, there are other models, please consult our online customer service for specific prices.

  As a kind of ultra-high pressure equipment, the waterjet itself is strictly sealed and high-pressure protection for safety reasons. However, in the actual application process, the operator must also keep in mind the details of safe use to avoid malfunctions and other undesirable phenomena.

   1. When the water jet cutting machine is working, the staff should pay attention to keeping a certain distance from the machine to ensure the safety of the personnel.

  2. Check whether the material is laid out evenly.

   3. Different pressures should be adjusted according to different materials.

  4. pay attention to check the water jet supercharger and high-pressure pipe tightness.

  5. During the cutting process, the oil temperature should be controlled below 65℃. If the oil temperature exceeds this value, immediate cooling measures should be taken

  6. Pay attention to position adjustment: When the cutting material is found to be impacted and moved during the cutting process, the cutting operation should be stopped and re-aligned.

   7. In work, you need to always pay attention to observe whether the indicator light is normal.

   8. After cutting a workpiece, before changing the workpiece, move the cutter head to the far end to prevent damage to the cutter head during loading

Waterjet cutter

   9. When taking out the finished product, please turn off the machine, pay attention to the sharp edge of the finished product, and be careful not to be cut.

   10. After a temporary power failure, after reconnecting the power, the remaining high-pressure water must be removed.

   Hongyun HS-4020AC five-axis water jet is used in rock wardrobes, rock bars, stone doors, rock dining tables, rock stools, countertops, rock walls, cabinets, rock coffee tables, rock stairs, rock refrigerators, rock Board wash basins, slate desks, background walls and other products play a more important role.

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