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Causes of noise when using rock slab processing machinery
time : 2021-05-30 18:23 views : 21

    We all know that if the rock slab processing machinery is not used properly, noise will appear after using it for a period of time, so what is the specific reason for the noise? What's the solution?

    Causes and solutions of noise in rock slab processing machinery:

    1. Abnormal noise of baffle

    The noise of rock slab processing machine in the process of processing has a great relationship with the wear of baffle rubber strip. In the process of processing, the rubber strips of the rock slab and baffle are extruded, and then the rubber strips of the baffle are damaged by friction, resulting in the inconsistent edge height of the rubber strips of the baffle. Friction and noise often occur at the end of the chain when processing rock slab. The solution is to replace the rubber strip of the baffle.

Rock slab processing machinery.

    2. Electromagnetic sound

The rust of the rotary shaft core of rock slab processing machinery leads to poor lubrication, unsmooth inner shaft core, and continuous rotation of the rotor produces noise during processing. All these factors can not be ignored. This problem can be directly in the shaft core lubrication.

    3. The motor makes different sounds at the same time

Due to the uneven air gap between the stator and rotor of rock slab processing machinery, it is easy to produce uneven sound. It is also possible that the three-phase current is unbalanced. The voltage can be checked for stability. If the voltage is stable, check the power contactor for poor contact.

     4. Bearing

The bearing of rock slab machine will produce certain noise in operation. If the bearing works normally, its sound is always constant and there will be no noise. If there is noise, the bearing may be broken or there is no lubricating oil in the bearing.

Rock slab cutting machine

     5. Vibration

     Due to the continuous operation of the rock slab processing machinery, the screws originally fixed on the ground may become loose. When the screw is loose, due to the vibration generated by the processing, the rock slab processing machinery is always vibrating, and then the parts on the rock slab processing machinery vibrate with the noise.

     The above are five major reasons of noise in processing process of the rock slab processing machinery , I hope to help you.

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